Can any Coles workers explain why I need to scan my groceries in a certain order?
My textures all turn low quality as soon as I open sequencer.
Greetings from Takeda Shingen
Fall of the Samurai AI battle tactics
Who was this voice actor? He really nailed it
Realm Divide is the best end-game mechanic
Walking to my computer after deciding to start another Shimazu campaign
Did anyone see a bike run a red and hit a car on the corner of Alison Road and Doncaster Ave in Kensington today?
Shogun deserves a remaster. Even the Mona Lisa gets polished occasionally
Continuing the product shaming...
You got to do cavalry charges in real life???
Tips for getting into the new Total Wars, post Attila?
voice lines in medieval 2
Spider warning. Found this beautiful girl while walking in our neighbourhood
Jack McBrayer & Triumph Visit Chicago's Wiener's Circle | CONAN on TBS
Never seen an orb weaver like this before
Golden Orb Weaver in Sydney Australia. Maybe pregnant?
It would be so cool
That last samurai retainer when you surround the castle with archers.
What is your unpopular opinion about Australia?
The oath fulfilled
Has anyone ever made a graphic only TV commercial with AE
I noticed why Shogun 2 Arrows look "better" than the succeeding titles. Longer/bigger arrows replace the normal arrows once released.
Rookie numbers. A shameful display.
Be kind.