Who wore it better?
Thinking about switching to BMW after 10 years of Lexus..
[WTB] Holosun Hs510c & HM3X
[WTS] Holosun 510c GR + HM3x Magnifier
Trident Tuesday
I wish we talked more about Ryan. He's one of my favorite predators, definitely my favorite from Takedown.
🩷Strap felt appropriate for Disneyland🏰
How is the estimator job market right now?
[WTB] HK VP9 20rd Mag
9 holes of golf with Bryson
Speed training works
If you want a Bluetooth adapter for under $60 here's the link
[WTB] Primary Arms SLx Nova $230
Yesterday in Chandler, AZ
Went bowling on my birthday this weekend and there was a pristine ProV1x in the parking lot. There isn’t a course for miles.
Everything’s a fuckin’ travesty with you, man! And what was all that shit about Vietnam?
[WTS] Dead Air Keymo MD's x6 / Keymo Hub Mounts x4
What this means locally…
Thoughts on Otter Creek?
I might be finished with Tudor
The cost of just trying to make it
13.7 Sabre & Polonium K compatibility ?
14 Year Old Tiger Woods Talks About Racism In Golf