(DIV3) Any tips to improve my squad? Only Olise is tradable and i cant really use him effective. I have around 1m budget and bunch of fodders.
I'm not worthy for this pack luck..
Isn't this guy a BEAST? I've played couple games with him, he's literally everywhere and does literally impossible passes. Feels like a definitely W for now.
"Seni insan yerine koydum" Hakaret davasına konu olur mu?
Help !
avukatlik ucretini kim oder
New player here, my lag is just UNBELIEVABLE. I just want to know if something is wrong with my connection.
Help with team
Avrupadan çelik kılıç gümrükten geçermi? - keskin değil
Are level 40 icon picks buffed?
I packed 93 Dalglish after doing dribbling+captain evo on 88 Dalglish. Which one is better?
Siber suçlar ifadeye çağırmış
Projemiz için avukatlara soru sormamız gerekiyor.
nah man this is insane
Need a ST rec for under 250k please
Need an upgrade at LM… Any suggestions?
87+ Mixed Icons Player Pick SBC
(DIV5) any tips to upgrade my team? I recently sold Muani and have 600k coins. I definitely need a ST and planning to replace CDM and RB.
Pc cheaters
What is better use of bronzes at the moment. Gold daily upgrade or Grassroots great grind?
I’ve never completed something so fast in my life
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