Who wins?
Didn't realize when I took the picture..
€30 Billion Data Center for AI to be Built in France
AI just solved math problems that even Fields Medal winners struggle with - jumping from 2% to 25% success rate on problems that take mathematicians hours to solve
Come on don't let google win : (
State of LLM Technology in 2024: Which Company is Currently Leading the Field?
Well that was fast
Slaughterbots is here: Palantir is airing TV ads promoting suicide drone swarms
Online/5e - 20M looking for a game that would help introduce me to DnD
20 hours in and I've beaten every major boss in the DLC aside from the final one. His phase 2 appears impossible. Is there a way to cheese it? Even mimic tear gets destroyed.
Do you think JJK fans would be more sympathetic about Megumi's suffering if he was a girl instead of a male? Or would they call still him Bumgumi Fushiguro.
I spent all of my free pulls to get these two. Are they good? Or should I make a new account and just pull for the Chinese Virgil.
[Task] Make an easy ten minute long aerobic zumba dance that fits the rhythm of a music video. Five dollars.
Here's the link to the livestream
How much would my account sell for? 5x8 with an Amos bow. Mid relic builds.
[College: Mathematics] I didn't pay attention to my prof and now I don't understand how to do this. Please help this is kinda hard.
Why is sexual explicitness such a taboo in human societies?
least insane gacha streamer
[M4A] Villain enjoyer looking for someone to be my nemesis (Any kind of genre and fandom)
Farewell to HD Atlas
The end of coding? Microsoft publishes a framework making developers merely supervise AI
[WP] Every human being on the planet suddenly has their gender switched. Chaos then ensues
Do you think humanity will ever create its last invention?
Two studies have now come out that have now dismissed claims by Google Deepmind last year about autonomous discovery of new materials