I am torn on what to do
What's your Sun/Moon combination keywords ?🤔💭
Obsessed but gets quiet
Anyone else have these exact placements?! Libra sun, Gemini rising, Scorpio moon?!
Unable to sleep without husband… wtf?
Alright Astro people help me figure out sibling relationship…
Delete photos of ex?
Should I give this Libra guy another chance?
How much emotion from a man is a turn off?
I Slept With My Male Best-friend It Was Absolutely FireWorks 🎆 Between Me Scorpion And My Scorpion 🦂 BFF 🤤😂. I’m So Anxious To See What’s Next. I Hope He Feels What I Feel He Has Not Said Much Just Yet Although He Treated Me To Breakfast.
Which sign?
How to win a Gemini man?
How do you like your eggs?
What type of Scorpio are you?
Libra Madness
Possibly nsfw: what's your sun sign and what does sex mean to you/how do you make love to someone?
Long story short, my best friend confessed their love for me and I never would have expected this to happen honestly.
Triple Scorpio man , with a sag venus and cancer mars
Any Scorpios who are almost never angry nor jealous ?
My husband (29M) added some girl on socials from the bar after uninviting me (26F) to a night out with his friends and I’m not sure what to do.
What’s some stereotypes about your sun sign that you completely disagree with?
What’s the tea on stalking someone you really like?
Wife possibly cheating
The hate against Libras for everything
Have any scorpio women here been with a Gemini man long term? What was that relationship like?