Farewell premed
This one hurt bad
do i sign up for another mcat while the cycle is still “going”?
do i need both clinical work experience AND clinical volunteering?
Confession thread- confess thy sins to be forgiven
HELP! My hedgehog has suddenly developed this weird walk where she is kind of hopping and dragging legs.
pls tell me I’m not the only one who hasn’t gotten the WMed monthly email yet?!!
how has your job changed your view on society?
This is all very confusing
“biggest issue in healthcare” question
504 MD Acceptance
Now what?
any other christian’s/religious people here
so frustrated
Why are they releasing soo many pictures of this guy, Seems fishy...
5 weeks in…
Anyone else just get hit with multiple Rs in a row?
to the kid who has an A from U of Kentucky, take it
let me clarify tgiving “rule” for you all
How many interviews have gone out so far?
What % of interviews would you say have gone out?
What are your plans for moving for med school and having non-med partner?
is it truly “not over til it’s over”?
What IIs are you secretly hoping you get?
Everyone tell me a story of failure so I feel reassured