Future legendary fanfics
Struggling a lot with keeping my altitude in my IFR training, any tips?
The White Lotus - 3x06 "Denials" - Post-Episode Discussion
Final stage check bust, looking for “gotchas”
Sandy appreciation
Captain Sandy
What is bro on
Question for the group-
Totally cool
Do most women genuinely not have “dying/being injured heroically” fantasies?
Motion Sickness (Got Sick on Intro Flight)
If this dude shows up, let me die.
Nice to meet you Heather!
Value of "opening doors" before emergency landing in a 172
[general] Rereading GTN
Do you know if I can use my long term parking card there?
Thoughts on Southern Vi? haymead0w on Twitter
Dad teaches good manners to his twins
Warner Bros Negotiating Big Sale Of Shelved ‘Coyote vs. Acme’ Movie
What should CFIs be doing
Do you think Vi smoked weed during her pitfighter era?
Disrespectful, low effort date plans
Got airsick for the first time ever
Thoughts on MARADMIN 128/25?
This woman started a family with her doll, and seem happy