Owning a home is ADHD hell
Dream about a love interest
Unable to eat with Vyvanse
Jag har på sistone ofta hört att "unga inte vill jobba längre, de är för lata" av diverse äldre personer, och till svar vill jag säga detta
What’s your laziest habit that helps you function?
How do you explain ADHD struggles to people who don't get it?
I don’t want to admit I’m schizophrenic
Dropped my phone on the floor and scared Moxie. She came to check the evil phone and to make sure I was ok. 😭🐾🥰
Geniune Desire vs Guilt about passed Hyperfixation
The voices are not me but my dad is convincing me that they are myself doing this to myself
Is it gaslighting if I’m telling the truth about how I remember a situation?
Antipsychotic dosage
I hate myself for skipping Uni today
How to deal with schizophrenia
My therapist has suggested I may have schizophrenia, but I worry he's just trying to push medication. I'm not sure I am emblematic of schizophrenics.
How did you get treated by your toxic ex friends?
Calendar Ideas?
How undiagnosed ADHD Destroyed My 12-Year Relationship Before I Even Understood It
Which job should I go for this summer?
$10,000 debt finally gone
What ”luxury” did you treat yourself to this past weekend?
New behavior (amnesia)
How's the daylight savings change treating everyone?
I am a teacher working seven days a week yet can never seem to get ahead
I can’t relate to most people from wealthier backgrounds