AITA for using a electric cart
Ladies, what helps with bloating and distention?
With people saying Tesla owners should sell their cars, who is buying them?
Cobbler foster
Switching to nuclear based fuel?
AITAH for telling our neighborhood that the new neighbor is a convicted sex offender?
I just found out that I have a great uncle in the US
Summer jobs for teachers?
@Silentsixty is a self-important cunt who loves the sound of her own phlegmy hacking
Might be unpopular but I love my raccoon and opossum visitors
What am I supposed to do?
Me and my friends are trying to rent a poor quality van and nowhere we look can we find one?
Is there a group that's the opposite of Moms for Liberty?
My husband was falsely accused and it changed his entire personality. IDK what to do
Can you recomend entertaning sited with little or no politics?
Is it a testament to modern mental health practices OR security tech that we have so few political assassinations these days?
University Libraries - Which library in the USA has the best and largest collection of academic historical books in its search engine?
My family claims their not racist at are actually
Feasibility of moving to Australia as a US librarian?
Is it possible to just plant seed on a field and for them to grow without having to dig up soil?
This is how communion is done at your typical Mega-Church
My partner says he'd rather get off to porn then to be intimate with me. What should I do?
Cover of DER SPIEGEL (22/02)
How do I turn a large open room into an Easter egg hunt with a near $0.00 budget?