Yo any stoner wanna tell me what dis is??
My first extraction
How hilariously cute is this
Humans are the root of all evil not money. 🥴
How to sleep on T break
I need help getting my money back
Meet Zer0
My brother has a funny wifi name.
Cleaning out my friends house found this…
Why can I never see entities
hello old friend
Why does the ket go into my lungs!?
I love it
Is boofing underrated? (Meme)
What's the Mona Lisa get made in one second
Lsd- To change the thing you can. Shrooms- To accept the ones you can't.
why not do other drugs? heres my answer.
Anybody seen gels like this before?
How are yall able to take massive doses?
Penis of drug
Anyone love taking LSD/drugs on the plane?