TAs: What's the most ridiculous thing a student you've taught has done?
Statistics getting too complicated?
Briefly explain your thesis to me like I'm 5 years old?
Is it okay for researchers to work on weekends?
What's a lie you tell because it's more convenient than the truth?
NCBI down? Maintenance?
If the media hadn’t endlessly talked about COVID, would you have even known that COVID existed?
San Juan, Puerto Rico, visit ideas?
28° F...Virtual class day, right?
You get $15 million USD but I will use a random country generator to determine which country you live in for the rest of your life....
How many people with your parents first names did you go to school with?
I’m so alone all the time
Do professors mind students coming to office hours to talk?
Second Wives Club
battling the dmv as a student
List of banned words being sent to NSF POs.
Shield user - any one with sword want to trade exclusives?
Norovirus or Wegovy Side Effects?
What is your go to lazy meal?
Why do they sit in the dark?
Tigerlilly naturally pregnant???
Pork & Why Do Religions Forbid It?
Veah sounds exactly like this girl!!
Great additions to syllabi
Pre-Med suggested classes