I had it easy apparently
BG3 companions as Pokemon Gym Leaders
Wank Senator Armstrong to multiversal+ using what little "evidence" you can find because imagining well-known OP characters getting beat by an over-the-top patriot is funny
Made a more accurate version
Past 3 Violet Nuzlocke attempts, and where they failed
Which move do I keep
The lord finds a way
How wrong is this episode?
i think there's a dub mix up in episode 22
Nuzlocke variants
Total Drama Characters as The Lion King Characters
After 42 hours of gameplay on a physical GBA, we are Champions of Kanto. Sadly, only three of our friends will get to join us in Johto. Onwards! (Original Hardware Hardcore Genlocke - Leg 1: LeafGreen)
"This character is canonically unbeatable because of feats such as saying he's unbeatable" Doesn't matter, he's a Put Back victim.
Overall thoughts on slayer form?
Could Steven Seagall win in a fight against himself?
Came up with some Ledian buffs what do you guys think?
Bardock shouldn’t have been getting touched in his fight
I feel like most people forget this
Allah has sent me a message about Jaiden Animations
If T-Shirts were to return to Death Battle, who should they fight?
Baldur’s Village mod is here!
What If Twister worked like Infestation?
Just reflavor it lol.
Lord, please let the Mahito vs Shigaraki track be a dark parallel to Mighty or Strongest Alive