Im so sick of laws only applying to poor people
How many Superbowl's does your team have if they draft Tom Brady in 2000?
90’s Lizard has been chosen as the best adaptation and TASM Lizard has been chosen as the weakest adaptation, Electro is next
Take your medicine
Driver accidentally crosses intersection...and this is how the cop reacts
What is your favorite every era versions of Godzilla?
going to mall starterpack
Shitty leopard gecko owner starterpack
The Spectacular version of Sandman has been chosen as the best adaptation and 2017 has been chosen as the weakest adaptation, next up is the Lizard.
Which take on a tragic + sympathetic Electro is the most well-written and developed?
Why did Disney change Moon Knight so much from his comic book counterpart?
Favorite character who's got you like this?
If you could create your own godzilla film, what would you do?
What would your idea for a third Spectacular Spider-Man season be?
Movies are way too long. We should start normalizing 20–40 minute movies.
Saying "grape" is honestly tilting.
Who’s your Favorite player that played for a Rival team?
90’s Venom has been chosen as the best adaptation and Insomniac Venom has been chosen as the weakest adaptation. Next up is Sandman.
What is your top three or top five favorite?
Denver Peyton Manning or Indianapolis Colts Peyton Manning?
If you can choose a monster from Gamera to be the best friend of him, who do you choose?
Raimi Green Goblin has been chosen as the Best adaptation and TASM2 has been chosen as the Weakest adaptation, next up is Doc Ock
ok real talk titans why are yalls jerseys so fugly
And how long is the Snyder Cut?