Family Guy needs new writers
I hope APS puts Marie in a home. Tophia is a danger to that woman.
Donald Jr's friends get together in memory of him
Why Is Tophiachu So Stupid?
The suspect name has been released. Peter Garcia age 43
I paid $250 for this- is this a reasonable price?
I got $320 to spend on rivals but idk what to buy?
Tophia’s most recent post
2k streaks 🔥
Ethereal outfit this, Human outfits that, how about Ethereal human outfits?
Comic-Con was their last family outing.
Nuance is needed.
If you chose to donate to tophia. Please reconsider sending her money directly. If you want to help out. Marie has a PayPal account. Send the money directly to Marie.
This commentary is so weird.
Please post all condolences for the Slydell family in this thread
POV you’re Donald Slydell jr
My homeboy cut my hair and I have to attend my aunt's wedding tomorrow, 1st image is what I wanted did he get me right yall?
lolcow documentary channels and my thoughts
Papachu was arrested near motel 6 for breaking and entering on March 11,2025
What’s up with the moral high ground Redditors on here?
How crazy the car looked after the shootout.
Found this, take it with a graun of salt
Papachu was arrested this morning on Breaking and Entering charges.