Need Suggestions Stuck at Division 2
This Ngolo kante card is Crazy
Rank Your 15 Most valuable POTW : there goes mine in order
Man , this game isn’t fair
Any suggestion on the duo I should start?
Should I be happy or Sad ?
This Card is a hidden Gem
Which Halland do I use ??
Which halland do I use???
I Won the seria A league On legend , with not a single loss
Who has the most no of appearances in your team
Who would you start in a back 4?
Which Ruud vin nistelroy Do I use?? big time or one booster ? They are both fox in the box tho
BRO had Superman for A goalkeeper not Casillas 😭
SCRIPT at its finest fam
Had a good run in test your limit. Squad and tactics. PA3 - possession game - 3241.
why my defence is so trash??
What a monster
I need help configuring my team
Big time or Booster Ruud ?
What is that one card you hate to see in your opponent's squad?
Platini best AMF in the game?
I finally made it as a F2P!!
Volume 9
Quick Counter - Out Wide Crossing 4-2-2-2 Guide