Best card in the game semi-finals: What's better, teleport or going viral? Top comment decides
Best card in the game semi-finals: What's better, transfiguration or lil buddy?
Would it be a good a card with this new ability?
New Balance Update
Honestly the current state of the sub feels like TF2 reviews
Best card in the game Quarter-finals: What's better, space cowboy or going viral? Top comment decides.
Cryo-Yeti synergy!!!!!!!
Best card in the game quarter-finals: What's better, teleport, cheese cutter or bungee plumber? Top comment decides
Best card quarter-finals 2: Which here is the best card?
Acellus Academy
Best card tournament quarter-finals round 1: Which card out of the 3 is the best?
Is quarterly getting nerfed???
Best card in PvZH tournament: Our last nomitation, what's the best sneaky card? Top comment decides
"What Are The Odds?!": Huge Giganticus's Turn 1 Lethal
Best PvZ Card: What's the best hearty card? Top comment decides
Hearty tier list
PvZ best card tournament: What's the best crazy card? Top comment decides
fellas, am i correct?? (QL is quarterly bonus btw)
Best card tournament: What's the *Second* best card in the game? Top comment chooses
Secret tennis swimmer champ is such an underrated combo
Can't wait to pr4nk a plant hero w!th this new de(k!!1!
FryEmUp is the next hero comfirmed!11!!
Better than pogo!!!!!
Brainy tier list made by me and my friend
Best card tournament: What is the best beastly card? Top comment chooses