For those that use CB to commute work, how long is your commute time? And do you go out of your way to rack up some points here and there?
Permanently Suspended Account: A Plan Of Action
Any recent news for phase 4/5 citibike?
Who is this woman?
Who is the mother in law?
I can't finish season 8 for the life of me
Wait, people didn't like season 2? How come?
"Nobara should have came back eariler"
Does anyone like the ask an idiot segment?
Chapter 26 is out on Mangadex
This makes me happy
I will never understand...
Never been more real.
Financial and Academic Chokehold
My mother just cleaned our Microwave with Clorox Bleach
Bunshichi Tanba as Dorian Yates (colored by @bakimangapanels on IG)
R/manga Shamo's ending
Female Shibukawa doesnt exist, she cant hurt you. Female Shibukawa:
[SPOILER TITLE] We gotta thank these two giga chads for finally putting this arc to sleep
Can I get a clarification on where this chapter fits in the story?
Jiu Ji-tae's scars
Poor Julius