Radiant and colorful 🌺
Should we remove this fireplace?
Evergreen climbing plant
Make a Retaining Wall or Make a Clearing?
[CA][TH] HOA Ignoring Swallow Nest Issue – What Are My Legal Options?
What a animal would you love to see as a Jellycat? :3
Can someone identify what happened here
What upgrades did you make for under $5,000 that made a big difference for you? :)
Refinishing solid/veneer cherry cabinets?
Removing old seed pods?
My house look weird
Portland, OR compared to SLC, UT?
I can get one of these two for the same price: should I go large Dexter or Wanderlust Puppy?
Does anyone know where to find a Lallagie Dragon?
Should Oregon Keep the Tax Kicker
do you buy/collect duplicates/multiples of jellycats and why?
Desk friends 🥰
Just picked up this AMAZING Coral Bark 😍
Moving to Oregon
Any ideas on how to prune and what my arbor vitae is needing?
If happiness was a currency, what kind of work would make you the richest?
Does anyone know what these are?