What song you just Don’t like?
Help with concert outfit
What's a TØP song you hate but everyone loves it
What is their best/funniest misheard lyric?
Any tøp song to use as a lullaby?
How is the sizing of twenty one pilots merch
What do you think is the best song to dedicate to a girl? I'll probably make make a playlist with only those songs
Best TØP Songs to play at these places: Day 9 - Car
Which Song is This?
Best TØP Songs to play at this places: Day 2 - Hospital
Best TØP Songs to play at this places: Day 3 - Street
Best TØP Songs to play at this places: Day 1 - Restaurant
Just Got My First Dog! Help Me Choose a Name!
What intro’s are the most recognizable??
Day 15 and last day: Best song for ukulele?
good clancy themed wallpapers
What Should I Name Him?
What’s the Most Random Thing Your Dog Thinks Is a Command?
Day 8: Best song for drums?
Every artist has "that one photo", what's TOP's?
Iedereen vindt Tosti maar een stomme naam voor een kat en ik wil bewijzen dat het erger kan! DUS! Wat is de stomste kattennaam die je al voorbij hebt zien komen?
If you had to skip one twenty one pilots song in your playlist, which one would it be?
Because my other post did so well and I enjoy reading comments, what is a song you will NEVER skip
Why is no one talking about this photoshoot
Redecorate is Rainy!! What is the best tøp song to represent Snowy? This is gonna be interesting..