All my outfits from Friendship Music Festival :) so happy with how they all came out!
Thoughts on Space Laces?
There’s no turning back for DeathPact. This is very blatant SA of a fan. Why the need to pull your hand off the rail and grab her up under her arm?
Folded in passenger wheel hitting a curb going 50. Hyundai Elantra 2015 -Korean model
I have no idea what to do I’m losing it.
Does anyone know promo codes for relentless beats????
My experience with Tizanidine – Side Effects
AIO to my gf being bisexual
New to exploring. Started with Bacardi, went to Cruzan. Care to recommend?
Price Spreadsheet Assistance
Got tier II but wtaf was that LL
Does different gins give you different type of drunkenness?
AIO to be suspicious my husband is cheating???
DAE ever get the desire to eat an entire can of black olives?
I literally think zyn is the most dangerous nicotine product ever made.
Aio a family member passed and my boss wants me to come in
LL24 sets are out on Apple Music!!!
AIO I went through my boyfriends phone over the weekend
AIO by feeling unwanted by someone I’m dating?
AIO Communication amongst male friends.
AIO my girlfriend invited an ex-fling out for drinks
AIO over my friend putting her new girl crush over me