What's your go to Lugawan place
Rate my teeth (siwang sa gitna gang)
What is your comfort food?
For the men here be it single or in a relationship, how do you deal with loneliness?
Breakfast of champions
What song is this?
Good barber shops
Fave UDD song?
[i ate] Fried pork head.
Summer szn is coming. Drop your go-to food to ease the heat. Eto sakin Bebang’s halo-halo.
Non-Gen Zs, What do you like about Gen-Z?
How do you say "goodbye" without saying goodbye ?
pls drop your go-to massage/spa centers!
FlipTop - Shernan vs Pistolero - Thoughts?
what’s your fave relapse song?
What’s your 10/10 go to restaurant?
Any fav milktea recommendation
What is your greatest fear in life?
What do you eat when you don’t cook? Part 1
Local hiphop enjoyer
Lagi akong minumura ng nanay ko
beef kebab and hummus