Stupid with a side of stupid. At least the replies were good.
You'll get $200 million USD tax free, but you must live in a country of my choosing for 4 years.
Everything chocolate flavored is disgusting
Man killed girlfriend after she accused him of cheating
But you don't know what track the trolley needs to go
I wish that all burgers were 99 cents and drinks $1 exactly with no tax added
Reverse gatekeeping?
Weekends aren’t that good..
[socialmedia] only boy cat eat meat
CMV: there is nothing wrong with safe and consensual polyamorous and open relationships
what i think should be the regions of the USA (this is what makes the most sense to me, dont kill me) (im posting it here BECASUE its bad)
Autism is not an excuse to be a bad person
It should be legally considered a crime against humanity for anyone under the age of 15 to access the internet outside of school
Noah Genderbent (Nova) 🌌📖🙄
One of the worst online interactions possible probably
Forgotten ship (first juice)
What am I? "I come in ..."
how would you describe chronic pain to a person without it?
Disliking racism is bad now ig
Shrimp should not need deveining when cooked
I wish to date a human being of the female gender
Why do so many still think they're getting a stimulus check?
Ankle monitors should be the "default" for enforcing a restraining order, with a lawyer / judge having to approve any exceptions
All nuts and nut products are disgusting
A train is hurdling towards a French person. However, you can pull the lever to redirect the trolley to five other people. Do you pull the lever?