How does Luke keep up?
I love Lorelai Gilmore
How do Lorelai and Rory live to be healthy?
Christopher praising himself for doing the absolute bare minimum
Does anyone else ever wonder what was in Rory’s basket?
How many times have you rewatched the show?
So many unhealthy marriage proposals 😅
Want to learn the game
Do you think Rory and Tristan would’ve ended up together if he hadn’t left the show?
AIO for ending a friendship because his girlfriend read our conversations?
does anyone else HATE how the fandom blames rory for being ‘coddled’ by the town, when she clearly tried her hardest to tell everyone that the crash wasn't solely jess's fault and defended him for it? the town just didn't hear her out...
From Scott’s podcast’s IG
If we got another season, what would you want the story to be?
Student seeking Dutch people for interviews
My mother’s response to finding out I have an autoimmune disease. 🙃
Season 2 Hayley, Will and...Morgan?
Who has the priority here? Please give any reference rule from Govt. As I can't find.
Ben ik opgelicht? Kan ik mijn geld nog terug krijgen?
Genuine question about Dutch people
Is still worth it to go DMZ
What translate app to use?
Dutch Time Questions
Vochtplekken of slecht schilderwerk?
saw this in november and i cannot figure out what this means. help
Kan dit een oplichter zijn?