Boy is so creepy up close
First play through
Well, It happened.
PSA to the newbies who just can't stand this game for some reason.
Happens sometimes
3 Stars in a Row
It just keeps squinting its eyes more and more
New bike struggles
Very proud of my Lynel gear collection.
Torn between R1 and S1000RR
Alcoholism is destroying me, and i feel so guilty.
Why can’t he do his own music? 😅
Parrying all crusher lynel attacks with potlid
Wtf is this lol
Food Stamps Apparently.
Finally finished my collection of Lynel gear 😄
AIO for being upset with my boyfriend?
This town ain't big enough for both of us
repost w/routine +2 kg, so happy
My best friend’s gone
Tried killing golden lynels without any glitch in shortest time
destroy ganon
Death by Minecart
I've wasted so many flame arrows...
To race a car on a bike