Gamestop about to sell another 75,000,000 shares
Shares that there selling do u need a reason for this that a brilliant move for the company and us
What looks good in porns but feels terrible doing it in real life?
Are you a psychopath?
I Just orange pilled my entire family
Help! Can't decide on a name.
RSO for multiple myeloma cancer patient?
My “RSO” keeps coming out with a hash consistency instead of an oil
I got mine during the 11-11 sale but seeing so many pop up now made me want to wear it this week.
New celestial Pindu, its face,shows the star signs in the light and dials glow in the dark picture doesn’t look 10% as in person. Got it at 146£ after all the discounts as it’s normally above 200£
What do I do?
What’s your opinion of pindu watches Ali ?
Is there a way to re set to out the box settings a phantom 4 pro + v2.0 and into controler
Foreign gold help
Band video
Is this illegal it is after all the truth?
What do you guys think of this video how long will he serve for lettting people see this?
Silanced…… the band video
Pretty much child abuse
Russia rigs ZNPP reactor buildings with explosives – AFU
Elmo is a business genius
Biden renews call for assault weapons ban after ‘tragic and senseless’ spate of July 4 shootings
Can We All Agree?