AIO my fiance spent 600 on gacha
AITAH for telling my husband that you don’t lose weight magically after going to the gym?
Is being an American really as good as people say it is?
AITAH my wife got her boobs out on a night out. My friend told me. I said I don’t care. Causing a lot of drama.
An elderly patient gave me her number and asked to keep in touch. Is it inappropriate to call?
AITA for not letting my family borrow $$ anymore??
AITA for refusing to cover my coworkers shift last minute?
Entitled parents keep parking in front of our driveway
how do i know for sure? i’ve always loved 90’s dresses but…
AITA for telling a fan in not comfortable going out with them outside of Cons?
Before general anesthesia you have to fast so you don't vomit during surgery, what do they do for emergency surgeries where you haven't fasted?
AITA for not showing up to my friend’s birthday surprise for me and now she’s acting like I don’t exist?
My ex threw dye on my vintage hoodie
My husband is depressed and I feel resentful. How to deal with everything?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Travel RN committed a massive med error recently in the Albany Med emergency department.
Girlfriend 25F is annoyed that I gave my female friend a t-shirt to wear for the night because she didn't have one 25M
Colour codes in the US?
Help me decide!
I’m a Dasher who entertains myself doing small cuteness like a BK crown. I’m curious, how would you feel if you received it ?
Choose your fave!
Which professions are much worse than people realize?
Which dress shapes/necklines suit me?
Before and afters of turning our formerly abandoned 1927 Detroit home into our forever home. Vacant for 7 years prior to start.
Help me prepare for once-a-year MIL visit. Boundaries? Talk first? Or fake a work trip and go on stealth vacation
Nursing notes