People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
How do I become conventionally attractive?
Are you happier than you were 5 years ago? What would make you happier now?
What is the best compliment you’ve ever gotten?
What are some attractive skills/hobbies?
What acronyms don’t make sense?
What family secret or hidden backstory were you finally let in on when you were old enough?
Where do you find comfort the most?
What’s the most subtle super power you could think of that would actually be devastating?
What is a subject you love to nerd out about?
What song would be the human species' theme song?
What is the thing that holds you back from you being what you want to be?
What song do you want played at your funeral?
My dad is an asshole, how do I deal since I cannot move out?
Co-workers/employees behavior
I’m unprepared for a midterm because of mental health issues
I don't know where I am in life, can sb. give me advice?
i dont have the energy to socialize anymore
I threw a rock at someone for sitting next to my best friend
What legendary YouTube channel doesn’t make videos anymore?
AITBA for reporting my class?
What the hell is this?!
What's on your Christmas wishlist this year?
If we could create lifelike but idealized androids, what percentage of men would date real women, and what percentage of women would date real men?