My front split
"Destroyed Goku Black"
Me doing three tsunami kicks ik it’s not perfect I get it it’s just fun doing some martial art moves
When ghosts hang out in the daylight
Pick you fighter
This is my joke
What’s y’all’s types
Armed and dangerous
Merry Christmas to you all
How did Nolan’s Articuno lose when it’s faster and can freeze its opponents 😭
Managed to pull both the new units in one summon it was a trunks animation
This is just something I want to ask can you be overweight and a martial artist at the same time like I said I just wanted to ask this question
You’re his lawyer, defend him
Me doing a 360 turn kick ik it’s not the best along with the other techniques I do but I did practice it a little bit
Who was your frist anime crush that you have this is my one and only anime crush
Me doing a couple of sidekicks and a couple of spinning wheel kicks ik your all tired of me saying this but it’s not perfect but I hope you guys like it
Don't talk to me or my son ever again
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Where are the Anime and Video Game Lovers At?
Is this too much Kirby for a 26 year old?
[Tarot] Take a screen shot and see which waifu will become real and marry you!
Give me an image to slap this guy on
Just a little ultraman Kaiju skit I did if I get any information wrong let me know
You can't 🙂