Looking for Shiny Black Background Kyurem. Offering Shiny White Background Kyurem with Glaciate
Do I max out? Or keep at level 1?
[8] I've wanted a snover for ages but this is absurd...
I finally got her!
No Mewtwo?
[8] My Disappointment is immeasurable and my day has been ruined.
Anybody done this yet?
Offering: Pages 1-3 LF: Pages 4-13 [CAN FLY 🛩️]
[7] My first shiny fail 🥲
2nd moltres to run away
[gen9]Who can guess what 5 shiny hunts I have going on right now?
Is "Sun and Moon suck" a hot take?
My first non boosted shiny of 2025!
How many shinies did you get in 2024?
Bug Type Eeveelution!
Looking for shiny costumes and shiny legendaries mainly. I don’t offer, instant trades pref, unregistered is fine
First ever Shundo!!!
Finally lol 23 raids 😵💫
Looking for first page, Offering second. Can’t Fly
Watchog Shiny Fixed
Offering below (first 3 pages)/ looking for the last page.
Here's a question
Am I the only one who hasn't seen a single 7km egg? Great event Niantic.
Finally, my first non-raid shiny shadow!
How many Pokémon have you caught total compared to your shinies and Hundos?