I grew up riding in the back of an old Ford Ranger, my daughter has a very different experience
Barang/produk khas apa yang terkenal dari daerah kalian ?
This never gets old lmao
PSA: Beware of Indonesian "3D Artists" Exploiting Underpaid Freelancers, AI, and Young Workers
Perbandingan Pajak kendaraan negara Malaysia dengan Indonesia
Screw twingo and multipla, what’s your favorite Saab?
“Insert app name”
Apalagi ini
Why does Massa hate foreigners?
Posted this GT3 RS from GT7 on r/Porsche. Fooled Almost Everyone!
Shooting brake Concept
Happy 20th birthday, GT4!
las hermanitas
Ada yang punya daftar list semua game buatan developer indonesia ?
Komodos yang jadi expat, whats the thing that unexpectedly cheap in place where you work but in Indonesia, its expensive?
I love staring at strangers on public transportation.
How do you win F3500 weekly challenges race ?
Pikes Peak ioniq 5
Another update coming
Sometimes I'm tired with my hr
Model Yves Saint Laurent dan Luis Vuitton
tokyo r246 poster i made, had a blast!
"The tea is served !", Me, 2025