After 1.5 years i finally run out of eye liner... 3rd character to max out and im so happy :)
Time for this bad boy to hang his shoulder pads
Its...over...My boi is now a MAN..I have never been happier! this was a hell of a journey! thank you everyone who came along and motivated me!
Its my very first cake day so here's some cake!
just her expressioms that i adore
her face card is as lethal as she is
Ps5 hey whatsupp I need 4 more pyromancy scrolls to get the trophy , and they are as follow :Black serpent, Boulder heave ,Warmth ,Chaos bed vestiges.
Are the king's plea contracts infinite in the WotD dlc?
Alexios’ Voice Acting Feels More Authentic Than Kassandra’s (From a Greek Perspective)
Shadow of war looks different than i remember
Can a player drop covenant items for another one?
It really had to go that way....But im glad death was not mandatory...This dlc really played with my heart strings man...
On a 1 to 10 how do your rate Mirage?
Can you ever reach beyond 537 power?
Peak recognizes peak
What’s the best strength weapon and build in dark souls 3
i like taking scenery pics
Phase 2 mogh skip with Dane's footwork
Is there a point in bying the DLC before finishing the main story?
Locust Preachers NPCs attacked them by accident and became hostile
Rep 12 Lawbringer, thoughts? (3rd one is a WIP)
I know it's mid decapitation and I should prob feel a Lil bad but god damn his face...
My new warden for when I’m put on defenders