Re-evalutaing my 10/10s. Pick an album and I'll explain why I think it's a 10 (featuring a few high 9s)
Fantano's scores on the latest pop girls' albums. Which one do you agree and disagree with?
What's the worst marketing decision an album ever had?
celebrity cameos that age like milk
Opinions on Muse?
rapper/musician alignment chart (need suggestions)
What are some records that could’ve been “all-banger” if it weren’t for “that” one track?
How do you manage your music backlog?
Thank you Matt and Ryan, fuck the streams for now, get those creative juices flowin'
Why must I be cursed into liking games that ended 10 years ago
GTA 6 Needs an Addicting Gameplay Loop Akin to MGSV
What a fucking disaster their Google landing page is lmao 😂
Guys I LOVED this album, but I want more like this. Anyone got Recommendations??
Which actor do you dislike both on and off camera? I'll start
I bought this today. It will be my first MGS game (I've only played Rising before)
Any theories on the low podcast views?
What are the Megheads favorite albums this year so far?
Currently making a post-apocalyptic DND campaign that takes place in Pittsburgh - what should I add?
Disagreements with the consensus choice on an artists "best album"?
Which album do you want to see on this list and which one do you think is going to be elected as the best of all time?
Although he's only called Big Boss in-game, the manual for NES Metal Gear refers to him as "Vermon CaTaffy" and gives him a rather comical backstory.
one of my favorite albums. looks amazing on my wall. haven't listened to it though. what's your favorite album?
The Kendrick Lamar/Drake beef has fried my brain. What are some lighter sounding albums I can listen to ease it?
What is your favourite personal hot take?
Best discographies to deep dive into?