How can i improve my look?
Can someone tell what undertone I am and what jewellery colour is best for me?
What do we think?
Colour analysis came back as True Autum. Agree? Disagree? Advice welcomed (plz be kind I’m having a tough week)
Colour Analysis results came back from professional as True Autum. Agree? Disagree? Constructive opinions welcomed 🩷
Professional colour analysis came back as True Autum. But the make up shades suggested for TA are not flattering on me
Hair Colour Advice?
Professional analysis came back as True Autum? Agree? Disagree?
ADHD Meds and Occasional Exhaustion
Any Jobs going?
Dextro-amphetamine sulphate
What's a Product You've Been Eyeing at the Drugstore but Have Questions/Want More Information About?
Elvanse & pregnancy
Food in liverpool
Brain zaps and adhd meds
What's a super power but 99% of people don't realize it?
Any suggestions? See below. TIA
Crazy close ups eep, but what can I do for my skin/ make up to help with big pores next to my nose and under eye bags?
brain zaps and adhd meds
Using only concealer
Foundation match for my skin tone please (i’m not actually sure of what my skin tone is)