Haj and friends had another snow day
Do you think this will scar?
who is this (wrong answers)
Broody hen
Found the haj origin
Does this bother anyone else?
Prolapse help
Bouts of extremes fatigue and weakness but no migraine pain?
I speed ran marriage
Deformed feet
Help sexing
my little pony game
help identify sex
Haj had a snow day
What do you do with the extra roosters that hatch?
My chicken (blonde) is making this noise I've never heard, concerns?
What can I cook that uses a lot of eggs?
Bullying or something else?
Chicken identification
Bred an Easter egger/bantam cross and she laid her first egg yesterday- mom is 1st pic, dad is second, and the third is the mix. The smaller egg is the mix next to the moms
CA says there is an error in the recent switch patch, & they are working on a new patch asap.
Newbie question. Help!
Fighting or playing?