How do you feel about a potential porn ban in the us?
Reasons men refuse sex
AITA for breaking up with my GF after she gave away my dog…. AND LIED ABOUT IT?
3 yrs w/out the sex I crave. HELP!
Would it be immoral for me to hire someone with 1488 tattoo and, if not, do you think I could influence them in a positive way?
Should I hire a person with a 1488 tattoos?
I Snooped… And Now I Wish I Hadn’t – Need Advice!
If You Could Ban One Move in BJJ, What Would It Be and Why?
How to roll with white belts without discouraging them?
Add Spotify to the Boycotts
CEOs say they are losing faith in Trump: ‘I don’t trust that what’s said today will be true tomorrow’
Why Im almost always horny?
I got knocked out by a girl weighing 30lbs+ more than me in sparring and don’t feel right
AIO - My boyfriend said I’m the “prettiest when I shut up” in front of his friends.
I don’t know what to make of this other than it broke me and on our anniversary overnight
How lame am I for buying lego sets as a 29 year old?
Weird gym
What kind of Black Belt do you want to be?
What is everyone’s most satisfying move to hit in BJJ??
My Husband Has Been Secretly Roleplaying as a Cat Online for 3 Years — Should I Divorce or Become His Rival?
AIO to my boyfriend praising the president?
Mentally challenged man struggles at the self checkout at Target... and then the cops drag him outside and do this
How old are you?
Aitah if I divorce my husband for not wiping his butt?
What was the most demoralizing moment of your bjj career?