One year of mewing (20 F)
I like the sound of 73 much better
Contraceptive teaching
Oopsie.. scared much?
This is my favorite thing to say too Protestants that are anti catholic.
Chris Catt
Low Effort Post
Intercourse during lent while practicing nfp
Is Catholicism still against Witchcraft?
Front profile transformation since yall asked after i postes my side
Fun fact: the Halo soundtrack is inspired by Gregorian chants
Mewing 12 month progress w26
It's me again, show me famous people who unexpectedly converted to Catholicism
Could a snake get up these stairs? It’s our only access to our deck
Are there any Shroud of Turin miracles?
Why Catholicism and not Protestanism
Have I harmed my baby’s brain?
Is there a Catholic equivalent of an “orthobro?”
Boys first Communion outfit
Re-marrying in the church
What are some of the craziest conspiracy theories against the Catholic Church that Protestants and other denominations often say?
Ah yes, the prophecy is coming true
Literally happened today
The saddest what if in history