Recently separated- bday party in a few weeks
<2cm ovarian cysts causing pain- anyone else?
Warrenton residents- what is an average day like for you?
Too many audiobooks?
Tubal ligation recovery and ovarian cysts?
Any 3 year olds with Sensory Processing Differences? SPD
Ladies, Do you feel your hormones more intensely than others?
Millennials who look young for your age, what's your secret? What do you do?
If I remembered what I read I'd be unstoppable
Anyone have a sensory seeking child who rolls on things…including baby??
I’ve reheated the same cup of coffee 3 times already
Is there any reason to not get a cyst removed? Can surgery make it worse?
Could someone drop a link for your favorite illustrated Little house?
Anyone irritated by the new ankle showing trend?
Does nagging ever work out?
Pants and leggings are a sensory nightmare
What’s your light and quick lunch for high stress on your feet job?
By the time my 3 year old is in a good mood, I’m not.
How to stop
What does this behavior sound like to you?
Anyone have the extreme opposite of the impulse buying stereotype?
Which mantras do you use to prevent impulse/dopamine spending?
What exercise/movement do you enjoy?
Anyone else notice sensory issues more as knowledge of ADHD increased?
Why are a lot of folks bugging or tripping off Valentine’s Day today ?