What's your top 5 most gorgeous looking vehicles?
Best game I've ever had, still disappointed with RP.
I'm purely ground RB player and play with tanks only pretty much. Is that thing any good? I got it in holiday coupon thingy.
Is there a point in upgrading to R7 5700X3D from R5 3600
Why is he built like this
Waga kuchenna, która nadaje się do czegoś innego niż wyrzucenia.
Gone too soon
Finally I get my first laptop gamer. The new cooler blows so hard.
We adopted a kitten, didn’t realize he was a Norwegian forest cat.
4500 hours in game, and I'm still as useless at using this to hit targets as I was at 4500 minutes. Anyone else feel complete pain when trying to hit things with AA guns?
What's your S.T.A.L.K.E.R. faction according to your birth month?
Any good Asia Browsers ?
What is the 'polite' word for monkey?
Build Idea from this picture:
These new missiles are way too powerful
One hand friendly game recommendations?
to wave a flag
PSA: This Isn't a Live Service Game.
Why? this is how she drinks.
Sure do love me some GRB :)
AI English Voices for Archolos
What do you mean bushes are PTW? just shoot them off hurr durr!
In case you think the brainrot grift is recent, here's what the capital G Gamers thought of Kassandra when AC Odyssey came out.
Which boots look better for an elf druid/rogue cosplay [OC]
Is the Empire evil?