Who is the best ATP/WTA 250/500 player that consistently does well in those tournaments but never goes far in 1000s or GSs?
Man terrorises local area because he can't feel anything and wants to feel again. His former boss wants his job back.
A white man travels to a distant land, is captured by the locals and marries into the locals' society. When his former countrymen return to invade the land, he defends it with his new family and hailed a hero among the people.
Photographer decides to be playful when submitting his work causing his coworker to embark on a journey of self-fulfilment
Don't shoot!! Coca Cola!
Looking for the best place for nachos in Glasgow.
My 2024 shots wrapped
Sam Spruell is one of my favourite character acters
I respect people who arrive on time more than those who arrive early
Old Tom Bombadil or Centrefold?
The Silmarillion is my favourite book, here's why.
If you still think that this show is going to stay loyal to the timeline, then you're only fooling yourself.
Any decent tennis podcasts?
Discussion: 2024 Roland Garros (Tuesday, May 28, 2024)
Life is like a box of chocolates, you need to treat them like cyclists and give them 6ft of passing space.
Which cast from a film has the longest legacy that endures to this day?
Shower thoughts about shower thoughts
Easy in-and-out jobs in Glasgow?
Why is the Wizarding World chocolate/candy so bad?
Good money making methods on Toussant / elsewhere?
If King Charlie and his modern retinue of Knights and Lords had to march to war to defend Britain, how screwed are we?
Caused the most awkward scene in Cinema today. But at least I got free Nachos.
Slide show menu boards in fast food places
Slide show menus in fast food places are infuriating
Slide show menu boards in fast food places are infuriating