Why do clients think they can “date” us?
Creepy clients…
Can undiagnosed ADHD and trauma lead to BPD?
How do you assert boundaries without these pieces of trash expecting a refund?
Are these Narcissistic traits:
Is it better to maintain strict professional boundaries with regulars rather than being friendly with them?
Why are the majority of “regulars” cheap, entitled and just awful?
online questionnaires asking if I overestimate myself
Clients who say “it’s not fair women can earn all this money, whilst we can’t from sex”…
It finally happened - I caught a client secretly recording our session
PSS. Clients Who DO THIS
feeling morally inferior to my friends
Can talk to a crowd but cant talk to an individual
Guy asked me to suck his wedding ring off his finger. Then his wife emailed me. Is this from a movie or a stripper move or something?
How do you collapse the false self?
Why do these men get mad when we take measures to protect ourselves and our privacy?
Just became self aware, now what?
Does defeat hurt this much for everyone?
Do you find most people uninteresting and unattractive and do you feel like this is why you have no motivation to get better?
How to deal with awkward clients who push boundaries a bit.
What was your childhood like?
High functioning NPD?
Do you naturally gravitate towards other NPDs? What’s your experience?
How do I stop the grandiose thoughts and feeling either inferior/superior to others?