My parents selling their home and moving to US, how will my osap be affected
Submit your duas! Going to Umrah Inshallah
Is it possible for a solo girl to travel from Gujranwala to Islamabad safely?
Looks like F-9 McDonalds? ISB
Do they really take away iPhone 16s at the airport in Pakistan?
How can I buy an iphone 16 with sim slot?
Anyone else facing trouble registering with NSLC and getting the code R001
[Hiring] Looking for 100+ karma users to share quality reviews. Earn $8!
Why is Karachi treated like shit by everyone?
It must be nice to be the one who abnadons people.
Just found out my fiancé of 6 years has been cheating on me. Never thought I would be in this situation
People who got married early, would you encourage others to do it or not (and why?)
Do I owe my parents financially?
Why do Pakistanis chew/eat with their mouth open?
I am new to investing im having trouble picking a brokerage to invest through
do you have to put the initial $20 to get money sent to your wise?
Help fixing scrolling issue on mobile
Help Needed
Is it possible to spend 120,000 rupees on food deliveries and outings in 2 months for one person in Sialkot?
Confused about Marhaba Lounge dubai
Migrating to bulgria
where to develop 35mm film? Islamabad new to the city do they even develop 35mm film here?