who actually likes the regular?
if you could create a red bull with any flavor you want, which flavor would you pick?
Do you like this one?
Am I one of the few that like this better than the spring edition?
I've been playing this guitar nonstop for almost five months, I'm replacing the strings for the first time. is this damage normal?
Give me your favorite flavor! I'm sure us zero fans are very few and far between 😂
How do you feel about this one? Top 3 for me!
What is the most redbulls you've consumed in 1 day?
how do yall feel about this flavor? i didn’t have much of an opinion on it tbh.
If you like grapefruit this will be your favorite drink ever
With or without the roses?
How do I stop hating my instrument?
Favorite flavor
Nobody ever talk about this one.
My (18F) mental health has been getting worse, how to I tell my bf (20M)?
What instrument could I play in marching and concert band
Any of y'all that actually understand football?
How much free time do you have in college?
I can’t stay awake
How do you get into the zone for studying ?
How far was your high school from your college?
3 years of nothing at college
How are we actually making enough money to afford college?