Name this
Album name?
Name it
What order should I watch in?
Best *band* starting with letter O?
What would you name this album?
Best *band* starting with letter N?
I'm lacking creativity today, so just appreciate some Lila's memes I made
Give it a name
Looking for advice on how to get into transcribing
I did the ice truck killer nails
Who would win in a death battle, Harrison or Cody?
My girlfriend caught me with my Juice wrld blow up doll and thinks its gay
This is disgusting
are you prepared?
Overrated or underrated
Best Monster ever imo. What do you guys think?
Why did Debra want to bang her brother? Is she incestuous?
If you could only drink three flavors of Monster for the rest of your life, which ones would you choose?
What song does it remind you of?
type “i did your____.” and let autocomplete finish the sentence
First time
My 10 🌚
Who is the worst father?
What song from lnd do you think had the most beautiful/heavenly beat?