can I get arsene back after I fused it?
Which anime character has the best smile, and why?
'Chainsaw Man – The Movie: Reze Arc' Teaser PV 2
I wanna cry. Reccomend me an anime that's sad.
Which Anime/Manga is the embodient of this image?
What is everyone’s favorite "feel good” anime?
Guts has a Lot of undeserved sufferment, now who's a neutral character who didn't suffer
Tell us your favorite anime by describing it badly
Oi, eu queria ser o Goku
Anime’s involving technology.
Stellar anime with a shit ending?
Might get hate for my ratings but looking for a new show. Please recommend if you can
Day 7: what is the best intro
Who is the best written character in Anime/Manga
Which anime did you give a second chance to, and were glad you did?
Oo aaaa
This will help a lot of people find great animes.
What is the most common myth people still believe but you know it's fake?
My Crunchyroll on my TV keeps lagging in weird ways.
Anime with instantly likeable protagonist please
Quando você acha um anime ruim e decide parar de assistir mas vem essa prr de imagem na sua cabeça:
Do you prefer Attack on Titan or Demon Slayer?
All the chainsawman women are so pretty but who's your ideal type?
Speak to me in your native language and i will try to guess it
Anime where no scene is a waste of time?