I don't know what to say...
Favorite underrated Poof quote?
Is Giles done remixing albums?
If you were to add the non album singles as part of an album, which album would it be a part of?
Is it satanic to listen to Rob Zombie
A couple was having sex behind me and my friends in the theaters😭
Is there a streaming service that provides album quality audio?
About to do a ranking of every Beatles song, but I want to know if I'm missing anything.
Abbey Road 2009 Remastered vs 2019 Mix?
What's the origin of the Mii Grasshopper
Which songs have live versions that are better than the studio versions, and if so which live versions are they?
I need help.
What do you think about this video?
Can Someone summarize the whole Oliver Situation?
What are your arguments against the points made in this video (Up until the FCC timestamp)
PDF Request
What happens to the males in a Gerudo Relationship?
I suck as Smash Bros. I'm planning to get better but don't know which game to start with.
Was Janey in on the trafficking?
What instruments are used in Paradis? Also are there any songs similar to it.
Does Arianne ever die?
Questions about LGBT Churches
Know any good jazz songs of these types?