Warner Bros Release Movies for Free on Youtube
This might have already been asked, but what were the first mediums you saw in January 2025 and what did you think of them?
Is it possible we are overreacting and just brainwashed ourselves?
Do you find it difficult to give 5⭐️?
standalone titles that sound like sequels
Is Fire Walk With Me the most deserved/satisfying mass critical reappraisal of all time?
Además del Sr. Darcy, cuál hombre del cine es "perfecto"
Films that improve immeasurably on a second watch and with minimal homework
Barcelona temps in August?
Pick my 3000th Film
Worst Films you asked your Parents/Guardian or Older Family Member to take you to see it in Theaters?
What do you think is a legitimate critique of one of your favourite directors?
Visiting and want to know what to do
Busco fanáticos del cine
What's Anya Taylor-Joy's best role (so far)?
If You Have Seen One of their movies We Can Be Friends
This seems relatively high. This you? If so, why?
What was the last film you watched in January?
Last movie to make you cry
Directors quests you're planning to undertake in the new year?
Big Movies Your Parents Tried to Show
I hate to be that guy but Tobe Hooper PLEASE
Do people on the left sincerely believe Elon is a Nazi?
What moment in a videogame was like this?
Looking for good podcasts analysing Last Temptation of Christ and Metropolis