Autokauf während Ausbildung
Johnny Silvestei is back 🤣🫣
i did not like season 6 Elena’s hair.
Episode help please!
Return to main channel in sight
Which is your favourite trio?
Whats a tvd ship everyone loves but you hate
Fav Character from Tvd
What are you most worried about for Germany's future?
Which scene do you wish you could see again for the first time?
Conclusion to the story??
josh’s vid on adam—my thoughts on the situation
Selling USDT?
Who is your favourite bad guy?
Laute Knallgeräusche Abends
You can only keep three the rest get written out the show, and never appear
what plot/character made you feel like this?
First time investing into bitcoin
Tell me one good valid reason that you hate Matt and who you are fav character is and why ?
When exactly did TVD “jump the shark” for you?
Alternative ending
I only ever invested through my banc with the fiat system...
Who started bad and ended ok?
Can we survive the Fall of our Heroes?
Der celebreties owe us more than Entertainment?