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Entp females vs males
Kvote 2 KU interview medicin
This is my favorite activity tbh
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Did Katherine Pierce really love Stefan Salvatore?
What has changed for you regarding the show, as you get older?
How do you make friends?
I realise why I keep rewatching the first few seasons.
Mbti vs astrology
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I love Reddit… least favorite/most hated character?
Do you think knowing your mbti has influenced your behavior in some type of way and how?
Is The Vampire Diaries iconic in pop culture ? In the same way as Friends, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Lost, The Sopranos etc... (I mean it's popular on tiktok)
Best prank ever
Comfort Cry?
A HIMYM Spinoff Featuring the Kids—How Would You Feel About This?
MBTI and your fear
anyone else get so sick of cheating and dying plot line?
If you could have been a Buffy The Vampire Slayer character, what kind of character are you and what would your role be? What episode(s) would you be in?
Entp female vs males
Why do they always have to one step to far.
Clearing things because I had enough