Normal/Good ping in one game but extremely high and unstable ping in another match (APAC)
Ambessa is stronger in WR
Ambessa is stronger in WR....
Singed Rework(Wild Rift)
Kayle rework: new R is a bad idea
No buffs for Singed in the new patch, is actually good for our main
5.2c patch notes from Weibo Chinese
I HATE new champions
Who among the champions do you think needs a buff because they feel weak?
I know riot doesn't check here but I really wish they'd reconsider the cancelation of the console version
Singed mains..... Liandry's nerf...
My wife can't become a soul mate or lover
AP tank champions, am I the only one that thought that this new Projector item is pretty underwhelming?...
Thoughts on the new projector item?