I m division three and cants get over 9 wins
Who is the best LB in the game whose name is not Theo Hernandez?
What in the world is this? Everyone is literally black 🤦🏻♂️
Who’s most likely to get upgrades?
Struggling to get to Div. 3. What should I do?
Kako uhljeb može efektivno utrošiti (ne)radno vrijeme na poslu?
Posao od 47 milijuna eura: Poznato je tko će graditi stadion u Kranjčevićevoj
Ako Arena prima 15.000 ljudi koliko bi trebao novi Maksimir?
Ronaldo or Yaya
If happiness was a currency, what kind of work would make you the richest?
How can I maximise attack with these players?
Da li su navijači/novinari/podcasteri u Hrvatskom nogometu kompletno izgubili pamet? Lokomotiva pustila utakmicu Dinamu?????
Is Thunderstruck Gyokres Still a good card?
Ok this is gonna be fun
Am i losing it?
Does Ramadan effect elite athletes?
Cure koje kategorije na pornhubu-najvise volite?
Instant complete for you guys?
Elite play styles, surely a complete?
Opened the middle card last and DAMN
What are your opinion about friends with benefits relationships?
Koje usluge ne plaćate jer imate vještine?
Low driven + 5*/5*
83x30 rival rewards can’t believe it
Just got in 87+ is she still usable or it’s too late.